The crossings over the Capibaribe River presented here are based on the understanding that the most enduring beauty in architecture and engineering is that which is based on the best use of constructive technique, structural solution, geometry and plastic proportions in the service of society’s real needs. We believe that the synthesis of these elements through a timely design that engenders a logical, beautiful and useful structure is the highest we can aim for in the good management of public assets.
A wide range of technical factors are fundamental to understanding the project. With regard to geotechnics, a careful analysis of the soil characteristics in the area strongly advises against accumulating the loads at a few foundation points. When selecting the predominant structural material, concrete was considered to be the most suitable material for the coastal environment, both in terms of future maintenance and in terms of initial costs in the face of the instability caused by the recent rise in the price of steel.
Although the design of the structure makes the construction technique of successive overhangs feasible without difficulty, we believe that, due to the availability of ample free area on the construction site, the most economical option is to prefabricate the structural parts of the beams and deck. The continuous section characteristic of the proposal simplifies and cheapens execution. The use of prestressing makes it possible to create a lean structure, with rationalized weight and material use.
It should be emphasized that the responsibility of those involved in this competition to the people of Recife goes far beyond promoting a symbol. They need to be committed to the feasibility of the works, to long-term maintenance and to the natural beauty of the Capibaribe River, the greatest symbol of the city of Recife, which we see as more united, closer and prosperous with the implementation of this project.