Redevelopment project for the former Rheingantz factory, founded in 1873 in Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. The project involves renovating the industrial complex of the former textile factory. The main objective of the proposal focuses on the reinterpretation of existing spaces, intending to preserve historical features, while introducing new programs to revitalize these sites, providing dynamism and vitality to the renovated areas.
The architectural and landscaping interventions, supervised by the competent bodies, seek to combine traces of the site’s memory with the new needs for use of the environment, resulting in inviting, pleasant and comfortable environments for the new users.
The program of needs covers both leisure, culture and entertainment activities and corporate spaces.
The design of the open space sought to integrate the road that crosses the site with the squares and sidewalks, inviting pedestrians to appreciate the history of the site and the new built elements. The open space programs are distributed in two squares and a boulevard, which house a concert space, restaurants, an event space and foodtruck, a playground and seating areas.
The design of the internal spaces seeks to dialogue with the pre-existence by enhancing its characteristic elements of industrial architecture. At the same time, the proposal seeks to bring contrast between the pre-existing and the new through simplified and innovative designs. The environments developed for the internal areas include programs such as coworking, office space, an auditorium, a café and a restaurant.